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The 7th International Symposium on Privacy Computing(PriCom2021)


SPONSOR Institute of Information Engineering, CAS Shanghai Jiao Tong University Xidian University Technical Committee on Big Data Security and Privacy Computing, Chinese Information Processing Society of China 。




Topic :Research Progress and Development Trends of Privacy Computing. Fenghua Li is working as professor anddoctoral supervisor in Institute ofInformation Engineering, Chinese Academyof Sciences.He is also a doctoral supervisorin Xidian University, and University ofScience and Technology of China. He is amember of the Evaluation Group ofCyberspace Security Discipline of theAcademic Degrees Committee of the StateCouncil, the director Technical Committeeon Big Data Security and PrivacyComputing of Chinese InformationProcessing Society of China, etc. He wonthe 2018 Cyber Security Outstanding TalentAward, the State Council GovernmentSpecial Allowance in 2001, 1 second prizefor National Technological Invention Awardand 5 first prizes for Provincial andMinisterial Scientific and TechnologicalProgress Awards. His current researchinterests include network and systemsecurity, privacy computing, data securityetc。


Topic :The Past, Present, and Future of Differential Privacy. Yang CAO is an assistant professor at theDepartment of Social Informatics at KyotoUniversity. He earned his Ph.D. from theGraduate School of Informatics, KyotoUniversity, in 2017. His research interestslie in the intersections between databasesecurity, and machine learning, and havepublished more than 30 papers in theseareas including top venues such as ICDEAAAI VLDB,USENIX Security, TKDETwo of his papers were selected as bestpaper finalists in ICDE 2017 and ICME2020, respectively. He is a recipient of theIEEE Computer Society Japan ChapterYoung Author Award 2019 and DatabaseSociety of Japan (DBSJ) Kam bayashiYoung Researcher Award。


Topic :Socio-technical Aspects of Privacy: Looking through the Lens of Time. Shujun LI is Professor of Cyber Security atthe School of Computing,University ofKent in the Uk. He is also Director of thenstitute of Cyber Security for SocietyiCSS), which represents the University ofKent as one of 19 UK governmentrecognised Academic Centres of Excellencein Cyber Security Research (ACEs-CSR)His research interests are mostly arounointerdisciplinary topics covering cybelsecurity,human factors, digital forensicsand cybercrimemultimedia computingchaotic systems in digital domain and theipractical applications. He has been the PI ofthree inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional research projects on humancentric approaches to cyber security andprivacy. He has published over 100 researchpapers at international journals andconferences.and received three Best PapelAwards and one Honorable Mention. In2012 he received an ISO/IEC Certificate ofAppreciation, for being the lead editor ofISO/IEC 23001-4:2011 the 2nd edition ofthe MPEG RVC (Reconfigurable VideoCoding) standard. He is currently on theeditorial boards of a number of internationaournals including IEEE Transactions onDependable and Secure Computing, and hasbeen on the organising or technical programcommittees of over 100 internationalconferences and workshops. He is a Fellowof BCS.a Senior Member of IEEE.and aMember of ACM.He is a Vice Presidentand Founding Co-Director of the ABCP(Association of British Chinese Professors )More about his research and professionaactivities can be found at his personalwebsite http://wwwhooklee.com/.

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Topic :Security Protocols atop Blockchain. Yong YU is currently a professor of ShaanxiNormal University, China. He holds theprestigious 100 talent professorship ofShaanxi Province as well. His researchinterests are blockchain and cloud security.He is an Associate Editor of SoftComputing and Computer Standards &Interfaces.
