特邀报告(Keynote):Analytic knowledge graph for healthcare
演讲者:Sheng-Chuan Wu,Franz. Inc.
个人简介:Dr. Sheng-Chuan Wu received his Ph.D. in Scientific Computing and Computer Graphics from Cornell University in the US. He has, since graduation, involved in several software companies, including the founding of the first integrated CAD/CAM/CAE company. In the last 20 years, he worked as a senior corporate executive at the leading Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Technology company, Franz Inc in Silicon Valley, with responsibility in application development, marketing, consulting and new business development. Dr. Wu has also in many occasions collaborated with Bioinformatics experts from Harvard Medical School, Stanford University and Astra Zeneca, working with massive biological data. Dr. Wu has been focusing on Semantic Technology over the last 8 years. He routinely lectured and keynoted on AI and Semantic Technology at conferences. Most recently, he was a keynote speaker at KSEM 2015 in China, at KMO 2016 in Germany and PRICAI 2016 in Thailand. He has, since 2007, conducted more than 20 week-long workshops on Semantic Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Malaysia, China, Singapore, India and other Asian countries. Dr. Wu has also consulted on several Big Data and Semantic Technology projects in the US and Asia.
报告摘要:Since sequencing of the human genome in 2003, we have dreamed about treating patients more effectively based on their genomic profiles. Such a dream remains elusive. “The fundamental difficulty lies in the complexity of biological systems that have evolved through billions of years.” On the other hand, major progress can be and has been made in “personalized medicine” by applying classic AI machine learning on the massive patient medical data accumulated. In essence, we can uncover new insight from the data to help patients without knowing the why a priori. Such new insight is then added back into the medical knowledge to form a richer knowledge graph for analysis later. Exploiting patient medical data brings another set of management problems, namely the heterogeneous nature of data sources and taxonomies, the enormous size of data volume, and huge analytic processing requirements. At this talk, we will discuss all these issues and show some examples at a major research hospital in New York City.
报告摘要:随着信息爆炸的大数据时代的到来,信息来源五花八门,各行业领域都需要专业的分析师通过数据分析来解决问题和揭示数据背后的秘密,这也是大数据分析师的工作。在互联网上Yago、Dbpedia、Freebase、百度百科等也建立起了各种面向知识关联的应用和服务,拓尔思水晶球通过对实体概念、实体属性、实体与实体之间关系,建立起基于动态本体的知识管理体系,本体定义基于对象的数据模型, 支持动态的本体定义,数据从多源的数据格式,被转换映射为统一的数据对象,关联现实世界中的人、地点、事物、事件以及之间的关系。结合NLP技术,不仅可以从结构化数据中获取知识,还能从非结构化数据中发现和挖掘知识。本次将从实战的角度,分享通过拓尔思水晶球获取知识、建立知识图谱、挖掘知识内涵的全过程。
个人简介:北京大学人工智能专业博士,现任云知声资深AI技术专家,在IBM研究院工作期间,参与的两个研究项目获得IBM研究成就奖;在领域内国际顶级会议上发表5篇学术论文;获得了8项美国发明技术专利;是2010,2011年国际语义Web大会 (ISWC 2010, 2011)的程序委员会委员。在云知声工作期间,领导语义团队,成功发布了国内首个支持智能对话的公有语义云。2006年,参与的本体开发工具包项目获得了IBM研究成就奖。2010年,作为主要技术骨干参与的医疗领域语义元数据框架包项目获得了IBM研究成就奖。
报告题目(Invited Talk):小i机器人在中文语义开放平台的研究与进展
报告题目(Invited Talk):关联挖掘——图可视化的应用实践
报告题目(Invited Talk):发现数据之美——大规模行业知识图谱的构建和应用
报告题目(Invited Talk):Knowledge Graph in Japan: Open data beyond
演讲者:Nobuyuki Igata,富士通,高级研究员
个人简介:Nobuyuki Igata received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. He joined to Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Kawasaki, Japan in 1995 and currently works as a research manager in the same organization. His background is natural language processing and artificial intelligence such as information retrieval, social media analysis, Linked Data and so on. He was a visiting researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. in 2005-2006 and held a part-time lectureship in Waseda University, Japan in 2011-2013. He is a member of Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) and the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI).
报告摘要:This talk introduces recent activities for building Knowledge Graph in Japan. From Open Data Charter of G8 in 2013, many Japanese organizations have published their own data with open data license. For instance, National Tax Agency (NTA) has published a dataset of corporation numbers covering 4.4 million companies, Kawasaki City published valuable information to support families with small children. However almost all of these data are described with CSV or XML format and there are no links to other datasets. In this talk, I introduce many activities in Japan to build Knowledge Graph from these open data. These activities come from two aspects; one is social events such as LOD Challenge, another is mash-up technology related to Linked Data technologies.